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Location:Home > Products > Product series> Pollution Source Monitoring > Pollution Source Water Quality Monitoring
  • Fluoride Water Quality Online Monitor

    The E310 Fluoride Water Quality Online Monitor is a product independently developed by BESCIENT TECHNOLOGIES, based on the "Water quality - Determination of fluoride - Ion selective electrode method" (GB 7484-87) for measuring fluoride content in water.

  • Chloride Water Quality Online Monitor

    The E310 Chloride Water Quality Online Monitor is a product independently developed by BESCIENT TECHNOLOGIES, designed to measure the chloride content in water. This product uses the ion-selective electrode method with imported high-precision composite electrodes, featuring short measurement time, high accuracy, and immunity to color and turbidity interference.

  • Residual and Total Chlorine Water Quality Online Monitor

    The Residual and Total Chlorine Water Quality Online Monitor employs the DPD (N,N-diethyl-1,4-phenylenediamine) colorimetric method to detect the concentration of chlorine.

  • Coliforms Water Quality Online Monitor

    The CLMG310 Coliforms Water Quality Online Monitor utilizes the enzyme-substrate method. That is, fecal coliforms can ferment lactose to produce acid and gas and generate β-D-galactosidase at 44.5°C. β-D-galactosidase can hydrolyze different substrates to produce a colored substance, thereby enabling rapid detection of fecal coliforms.

  • Water Quality Automatic Sampler

    The W310 Water Quality Automatic Sampler is an intelligent device independently developed by BESCIENT TECHNOLOGIES to meet water environment sampling requirements. It can automatically sample, supply, and preserve samples from surface water, pollution sources, and wastewater treatment plants according to the preset sampling modes of the instrument.

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