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  • Total Iron Water Quality Online Monitor

    The analyzer operates by first adding a reducing agent to the water sample to reduce ferric ions to ferrous ions. These ferrous ions then react with the o-Phenanthroline monohydrate color reagent in an appropriate coloring environment to form a stable colored complex. The absorbance of this complex at a specific wavelength is measured, and the iron content in the water sample is calculated based on this measurement.

  • Total Manganese Water Quality Online Monitor

    The C310 Total Manganese Water Quality Online Monitor is an independently developed product by BESCIENT TECHNOLOGIES, based on the formaldoxime spectrophotometric method for measuring total manganese content in water. In an alkaline medium, divalent manganese is oxidized to tetravalent manganese. This forms a brown complex with formaldoxime.

  • Total Zinc Water Quality Online Monitor

    The C310 Total Zinc Water Quality Online Monitor is a product independently developed by BESCIENT TECHNOLOGIES, which measures the total zinc content in water based on the colorimetric method.

  • Total Silver Water Quality Online Monitor

    The C310 Total Silver Water Quality Online Monitor is a product independently developed by BESCIENT TECHNOLOGIES, which measures the total silver content in water based on the colorimetric method.

  • Volatile Phenol Water Quality Online Monitor

    The C310 Volatile Phenol Water Quality Online Monitor is a product independently developed by BESCIENT TECHNOLOGIES, which measures the volatile phenol content in water based on the 4-aminoantipyrine colorimetric method.

  • Cyanide Water Quality Online Monitor

    The C310 Cyanide Water Quality Online Monitor is a product independently developed by BESCIENT TECHNOLOGIES, which measures the cyanide content in water based on the isonicotinic-barbituric acid colorimetric method.

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